
National Federation of Tourism and Transport Cooperatives of India Ltd. (NFTCI) is an apex Cooperative organization under Govt. of India. NFTCI is actively engaged in supporting the national govt. in the sustained and overall growth of tourism and transport industries in India.

We function in association with National Cooperatives Union of India (NCUI) which is the apex organization representing the entire cooperative movement in India. We are also associated with the Geneva based International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) which is a cooperative union representing cooperatives and the cooperative movement worldwide.

NFTCI is executing the projects/assignments through its associates and member cooperative societies in such a manner that they grow to thrive in the competition, promoting them also to scale up in order to sustain market fluctuations. It helps them to plan their marketing strategies to achieve maximum return on investment and assures overall benefit to society.


The federation visualizes our great nation India, to be a beacon light in sustainable development, to the world countries. Our vision is a fully developed India. Through the financial , social ,cultural and traditional empowerment of the people along with the sustenance of our ecosystem , the nature by uniting the states and its people under the co-operative sector, through NFTCI and many other co-operative ventures and grow together hand in hand.


To fulfill our vision, we have missions beyond borders and limits,

i) Establish NFTCI ,in each and every states and union territories.Through our state wide multi fold co-operative fleets.

ii) Find out co-operatives and co-operative societies all over the country, find their potential through systematic, continuous assessment and actively monitoring and empower their under NFTCI in their respective fields of operation and develop by fulfilling the resources.

iii) Travel and tourism being the primary mission of the federation. we find and develop each and every possibilities of tourism, not only in the sector but also

  •   Medical Tourism & Dental Tourism
  •   Traditional Tourism
  •   Environmental Tourism/Eco Tourism
  •   Exploratory & Excavation Tourism
  •   Cultural Tourism
  •   Educational Tourism
  •   Regional Tourism
  •   Travel and Tourism etc.
  • iv) Make more and more people aware of the scope of co-operators and through benefiting projects and employments, unite them under the federation and its associated institutions and business centers.

    v) Mission to achieve Environment friendly and eco conservative approaches in tourism as well as constructional and developmental approaches.

    vi) Educational institutions through which basic and higher educations are provided, along with job oriented personal skill development.

    vii) Health care sector being the trump card of world’s sustainance these years and recently, it is a major mission to reach out every core of the nation through each and every villages and towns of the country, like a public health service system.

    viii) Mission to wipe out starvation , poverty, inflation, price hikes through developing the quality of living of the people by income generating programs and missions, through agriculture friendly missions and low price day to day commodity stress across the nation.